Weebly and WordPress Relating to God site analytics for 2016

Relating to God Weebly site False doctrine page 20160309In March 2016 we created on Weebly a website to talk about man’s relationship with God. After we had done all the placing of pages and came to the contact form and placing of a Gravatar for the replies, we were brought to WordPress where we not only could choose a Gravatar but also got an offer for a free blog. This way next to our website “Relating to God” came “Relating to God blog” into existence on March the 9th 2016.

Relating to God Weebly site Blog page on its starting day 2016 03 09
Relating to God Weebly site Blog page on its starting day 2016 03 09

For us it was an interesting experiment, knowing that certain platforms or blog systems generate more or less visitors. As such placing the identical articles and pages on both platform could give us some good overview and get us to know what would be the best platform or system to blog.

About handiness or easiness for publishing, for sure it is WordPress that gains. When looking at the analytics from Weebly, Google and WordPress the cyphers should give us a good indication, we would say, though we had an other impression. So we shall have to see how it goes in 2017.

relating-to-god-blog-wp-2016-religious-people-abscence-living-waterFor 2016 the Weebly site and blog has given us 933 sessions with 1 553 views for 699 users. This is much better than what we could get on WordPress. Here on WordPress we only reached 237 views from 135 visitors for the 58 articles published. Though we must confess from our own Christadelphian and on other sites, links are mostly made to Weebly, which also generates more readers from such links in articles referring to us.

relating-to-god-blog-wp-2016-revolt-against-authority-bibleHaving this blog, being it a blog, makes it as a website also containing a diary or journal on a particular subject, it indicates also that this WordPress site shall contain online ‘personal’ reflections, comments, and often hyperlinks, videos, and photographs provided by us, in opposition to the Weebly site where less hyperlinks shall be placed and no guest-authors shall be writing on it. Here you might find such writings by others. You can consider this blog a website that shall display postings by us but also by other individuals in chronological order and presenting links to comments on specific postings as well as presenting links to other articles on the specific subjects. You also could consider this blog an Internet-based support group that want to share information about a particular topic, e.g., the way of looking for God, the way to come to, find and  meet God.

This blog shall also present a journal giving you an idea of the developments of our journaling and our way to reach people, showing them the Way to God.

Here on the WordPress site or blog, it shall also be much easier for the readers to react.

A WordPress weblog with the TwentyTen theme, a...
A WordPress weblog with the TwentyTen theme, as rendered by Epiphany. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Some blogs may attract large followings and are monetized through advertisements and in other ways, but we do not receive any money form advertisements, though we have also no money to pay for an advertisement free webspace. As of 2007, there were more than 100 million blogs worldwide and we are just a very little one in the mass presenting not a very popular subject. Though we are convinced the matter is too important to be left in silence. Our master teacher Jesus Christ also gave his followers the task to go out and preach. Therefore we want to go out in the world and let our voice be heard about the coming Kingdom of God. Any support is more than welcome.

All the previous mentioned elements makes this platform going to develop a little bit different than the website, so we are very curious how the ciphers will show up after some time. It shall be worth it to compare the analytics for the blog and the Weebly site in the following years and to see how both evolve and shall be able to generate a public.

As a web log, an online, regularly updated journal or newsletter that is readily accessible to the general public by virtue of being posted on a website, we do hope we may receive more visitors and have more views in the following years.

It is known that many bloggers reach relatively few readers and discuss matters of largely personal interest. We too with this blog present a very specific subject of no particular interest by the mainstream population.

On this blog there shall not be a place for political matters or businesses matters, and we would think normally on this site we shall not go into the matters of the day. For such writings we are pleased that we shall have other places to bring our opinion. As such you shall be able to find some of our writings also on the Belgian Christadelphian Ecclesia site and the Flemish Brethren site (Broeders in Christus) in English and Dutch, the “Messiah for all” site as well on other places like at the Belgian Bible students, the Biblescholars site Bijbelvorsers, on Stepping Toes and on the lifestyle magazine and readers digest From Guestwriters.

It is at the two magazines Stepping Toes and From Guestwriters that we, like other bloggers shall have at times broken important news stories or marshalled public opinions to utter on a matter of public interest. We do hope we may find you there as a reader of our and of the other authors as well.

Welcomeword by Christadelphians
Welcomeword by Christadelphians

Like we are going to write on others their blog some authors shall present their messages also here on this blog, but not on our Weebly site. As such you shall be able to find writings from the Christadelphians who opened this site with “Welcome to this WordPress site” and further presented in 2016 “A King who wanted to extol a King above all kings“.

At this blog you also may find writings by our Guestspeaker, who also shall present some interesting articles from the net and various guestwriters or re-blogged articles.

For the first year he presented the articles “Religious people and painful absence of spring of living water“, “Revolt against the Authority of the Bible” and “The Bible’s View of Itself“.

Article by Marcus Ampe, responsible for the Belgian Christadelphians and several websites
Article by Marcus Ampe, responsible for the Belgian Christadelphians and several websites

Last but not least you also may find articles by the responsible elder of the Belgian Christadelphians, brother Marcus Ampe. He presented the Dutch counterparts of the Weebly site and when necessary shall give some extra information or announcements.

We kindly invite you also to have a look at our About page and its following pages and see how we as a preaching organisation for you are able to help you.

We sincerely hope you might like our Aims, which should motivate you to go deeper into the matter of a godhead and the Real Only One True God and His sent one, the Messiah Jeshua or Jesus Christ, who as son of God we do hope you shall come to recognise as your Saviour and as the Way to God.

Let our writing inspire you further  in the coming year and arouse you to read the Bible more intensive from 2017 onwards.

In the hope to find you reading more of our articles,we wish you all the best for 2017.



2016 March 9 Beginning of Relating to God

Welcome to this WordPress site

Relating to God is it possible

A Start for looking at the unseen and the treasure to look forward to

For Dutch speaking readers #1 On the first component of a triptych

and find our About page and following pages


Additional reading

  1. From Bibles and other religious writings and those who witness for Jehovah
  2. Bijbelvorser Review of Five Years on WordPress
  3. Belgian Biblestudents website 2016 in review
  4. From Guestwriters 2016 in review
  5. Messiah for all + 2016 statistics
  6. Do not forget the important sign of belief
  7. Not staying alone in your search for truth
  8. Created to live in relation with God
  9. Call unto God so that He can answer you


Further related articles by other WordPress bloggers

  1. A Reflection on 2016
  2. 2016 in just over 6 minutes
  3. 2016: My Year in Review
  4. 10 Life Lessons, Courtesy of 2016
  5. Radical Discipleship: Costly Commitment, A Call For All
  6. Thought for January 18, 2017
  7. Why I Love This Blog
  8. Quotable #2: Obstacle To Discovery
  9. How to Network Like a Millionaire! (2 min read)
  10. Major Thanks – 1000+ Follows
  11. Reverence
  12. Why blog? Taking small steps towards classroom connectivism
  13. Launchpad: Arts and Crafts, Movies and Music
  14. Lovely Solidarity Blogger Award
  15. Are you different
  16. So, How is the Writing Coming Along?
  17. Forgotten Blog
  18. Share Your World – 2017 Week 3
  19. I love Words
  20. Morning Thoughts | 1.18.17
  21. Blogger Recognition Award! Check Out Some of Our Favorite Blogs…
  22. Best songs and albums of 2016: Don’t overlook these gems just because I almost did
  23. 2016 Retrospective
  24. Where did you go, 2016?!
  25. 2016: A Year of Peace
  26. Why 2016 was a Valuable Year
  27. Joy in 2016




Tri-union gods and Pagan, Christian, Muslim and Jewish views on the Creator God

Yesterday we looked at those who have questions about God and how the Christadelphians try to give them an answer and offer a platform where questions can be asked.

When you look at the world of those who claim that they worship the True God, we may find Jews, Christians and Muslims. Though by the Christians and Mohammedans questions may arise. Next to Christianity we can see Christendom where there are people who call themselves Christian, and often consider themselves part of Christianity, though do not really follow the teachings of Christ (the Kristos) Jesus, whose original name is Jeshua from Nazareth, from the tribe of king David. Those so called Christians do believe in a tri-une god, like before the time of Jesus there have been also many others who believed in some three-une or three-headed gods, but of which the Bible say that they are false gods and that there is Only One True God, the God of Israel, Who is One (and as such not two, three, eight or more).

trinity-doctrine-found-in-most-pagan-religionsOf those trinitarians there are who do not seem to know about other three-headed gods, and others who claim that their tri-union god is different because he would be having all the same qualities in each personality. Though than then they do seem to miss that the god they claim to be omnipotent, omnipresent, and as omniscient all knowing, at certain points said he did not know it, though they claim he would never lie. If god knows everything (what God does) and Jesus would be God than Jesus would know when he would come back, he would know when the end-times are, he would know who would be saved, he would know who would be seated next to him, he would know he is a spirit, though he clearly stated he is no spirit and does not know all those matters, because it is only known to the Spirit God, Who has no beginning, can not be tempted, can not be done any thing by man, can not die, though Jesus was tempted many times, was killed by man (or faked his death), was three days in hell (not exactly a place for God to be), was taken out of the dead (God never be able to be death would not exactly be under the dead, is it not?), would have been taken in to the heaven to come to sit next to God (though when Jesus is God then he would sit on his own throne never next to himself but at the place of himself).

Dattatreya or Dattā, deity by people from India and Nepal, having Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva in him

Those Christians who think their tri-union god or tri-une godhead is different than the other three-headed gods, like several tri-une Hindu gods (a.o. Brahma, Trisiras and Dattatreya);

Triglav - a Slav three-headed warrior god
Triglav – a Slav three-headed warrior god

or European Slav and Celtic gods like Ambisagrus or Jupiter Optimus Maximus, Nantosuelta, goddess of nature, the earth, fire, and fertility in Gaul, Triglav the three-headed warrior god, or Thor, should think twice and compare the attributes contributed to those gods and theirs, which seem to be very similar.
In several pagan religions we do find a trinity with a god father or god mother, a god son or a god word and a god spirit or god light or god thought or soul.

The Bible also speaks of such trinitarian gods like Nimrod. The Word of the One True God calls him

“a mighty hunter in opposition to Jehovah”

We can see that in 4th C.C.E., at the Council of Nicea of Constantine Christendom simply picked up the idea of tri-une gods to win over the pagans. They suddenly made YHWH Jehovah, Jesus and the Holy Spirit 3 persons in one godhead.

Tri-une Hindu god who is considered the creator god, but also by other groups has four faces. He is also known as Svayambhu (self-born), Vāgīśa (Lord of Speech), and the creator of the four Vedas, one from each of his mouths

Question is if tri-une gods like the creator god Brahma or the Indian Mandhata represent the same Creator God Jehovah, but just under an other name?

Maybe similarities between Kama and Cupid, Vishwakarma and Vulcan and Indra and Zeus may lead many to hastily conclude that Hindu mythology is similar to Greek mythology. It is said that the Greeks believed in polytheism, the belief in many gods, but many Hindus say they believe in one god and as such should belong to monotheism. For them like for trinitarian Christians their god is one god who appears in different forms. For Hindu religious people their one god shows the world the different aspects of the supreme Brahmanthe supreme existence or absolute reality, avatars or incarnation of this deity on earth, like certain Christians take Jesus as the incarnation of their god or of their supreme being. In the earliest Vedic literature, all supernatural beings are called Asuras, mythological lord beings. in the Vedic religion of India and in later Hinduism, one of many gods, often roughly divided into sky, air, and earth divinities on the basis of their identification with the forces of nature. In the pantheistic systems that emerged by the Late Vedic period, the devas became subordinate to the one supreme being. 

We can see that those who want to defend the Trinity search for their answers in a lot of philosophical human tangle of thought, like in the article “The Trinity Logically Defended” where they go into numerology (a thought of man) instead of using God’s Word to show their way of thinking would be right. The writer Renassault, at Reasoned ruminations, claims the other tri-une gods may not exist whilst his tri-une god exist, though he does not evince it at all, nor does he give any proof the other deities would not exist. For him moreover, the philosopher who popularized Nominalism to the present day, the  medieval French scholastic philosopher, theologian and preeminent logician Peter Abelard, considered the past and future to be just as non-existent universals as numbers, so do we have to accept that the past nor the future exist? And what has this to do with the reality of a tri-une god or with the existence of the Real One God who created the being and the elements man uses to divide time?

The writer of the above mentioned article The Trinity Logically Defended says he is not arguing that what he says proves there must have been a God who created everything/something at all. But he writes

I’m only pointing out that the answer is the same logically consistent answer as how the Trinity can be true and non-contradictory. If the cause that originated the universe was eternal, why did it create the universe in this way? Randomly and arbitrarily you say? But if there were an infinite number of possible random variations, like Zeno’s Paradox, how was one even “picked”? {The Trinity Logically Defended}

For him the answer of it all lies in or deals with the Trinity. He also does not seem to believe man would ever be able to follow God’s commandments. With that thinking he implies God demanded from the start something He knew man would never be able to keep, which makes of this God a very cruel God.

For that writer the God

Father is the source of the Trinity and the Son and Spirit both have their source in the Father, yet without a point in time being created. The three person all have the same Will—that of the Father, they cannot contradict each other, or operate independently, they only do the Father’s will. {The Trinity Logically Defended}

In many other faiths where they worship a three headed god they also claim their gods being from the same source and having the equal powers, having the same will. He claims his tri-union god cannot contradict each other though we see Jesus claiming God is greater than him, which would be a contradiction if Jesus is that same God. At one point Jesus also prays to God and says that he wants that the Will of God shall be done and not his (Jesus) will. In case Jesus is God it shall always God’s or his will.

Nowhere does he proof that

Christ also confesses He has a second another will–that of a human. {The Trinity Logically Defended}

In several defences of those who believe in a tri-une god, we never come to see a real logical explanation or a real clear Biblical explanation of that three-headed construction. Having another will than that of God would make the god those trinitarians adhere not having a god of the same will, like the other trinitarian gods in polytheism.

A monotheist religion should only be called this way when it really has one (mono) god as the main figure to be worshipped. Jews, Christians and Muslims claim to be part of the monotheist religions.

It is not bad to have a look at what those religions teach about their God. At the end of 2016 two websites got to see the light of this world. One tries to look at the God of the Muslim world in comparison to the God of the Christian world. That new site, dares to pose many questions and wants people to look at possible answers many communities offer for the questions which are on many believers and non-believers lips. Questiontime-Vragenuurtje is there for you to ask your questions and to go in dialogue. A Lastige Vragensteller or a Troublesome Inquirer takes the floor and shall bring quotes for the Quran as well as the Christian Bible to put answers from Scriptures in the spotlight.


Some of the vital questions already posed are:

  1. The first question: Why do we live
  2. 2nd question: What or where is the beginning
  3. 3rd question: Does there exist a Divine Creator
  4. Is there no ‘proof’ for God? (And why that statement is not as smart as you might think.)

and some of the answers already posed:

  1. Looking for answers on the question Is there a God #1 Many gods
  2. Looking for answers on the question Is there a God #2 Pantheon of gods and celebrations
  3. Have no other gods besides Me
  4. Nature Is A Reflection Of God

Immanuel Verbondskind looks at the difference between the Jewish tradition and Christian faith and the God of Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Who according to the Holy Scriptures was also the God of rabbi Jeshua, Jesus Christ and his disciples, though the tri-une god of many Christians would never be the God of the Jews.


Immanuel started at his site to explain that having the name Immanuel does not mean that person is God.  After having looked at “Called Immanuel does not mean to be Jesus being God” he opened with a series on how to read the Holy Scriptures, this with the idea that to come to know the Real True God and to find out who Jesus really is, he thinks it is “Best to read and study the Bible

Immanuel Verbondskind shall look at the teaching of the different Christian denominations and compare them to the teachings of the Jewish rabbi Jeshua, better know today as Jesus Christ. Jesus and his disciples their knowledge of the Hebrew Scriptures plays an important role in how shall be looked at the distortions which may have come into Christendom. Immanuel shall take those basic Judaic Scriptures and examine what the chosen pupils of Jesus made out of it and what they wrote down in the Messianic Scriptures, better known by many Christians as the New Testament. He shall not be averse to look at Jewish traditions and other Jewish literature or theological works, comparing it with Christian theological works and Christian traditions to find out how they fit in the way of thinking of the Messiah Jeshua, the Christ Jesus.

Both new blogs should be a good asset to come to know the divine Creator and to come to know how Jehovah God relates to Jesus and Jesus to the world.



A Start for looking at the unseen and the treasure to look forward to

Relating to God is it possible

Can you question the existence of God

Are there certain books essential to come to faith

A King who wanted to extol a King above all kings


Find a.o.

  1. Christadelphian Yuku Platform
  2. Trinity matter
  3. Questiontime-Vragenuurtje
  4. Immanuel Verbondskind


Additional reading

  1. Only One God
  2. God is only One
  3. Attributes to God
  4. Glory of only One God Who gives His Word
  5. People Seeking for God 3 Laws and directions
  6. Christianity without the Trinity
  7. Hellenistic influences
  8. Germanic mythological influences up to today’s Christmas celebrations
  9. Our World: Jewish and Christian traditions of elders
  10. Denominationalism exists because?
  11. Silence, devotion, Salafists, quietists, weaponry, bombings, books, writers and terrorists
  12. Jesus three days in hell
  13. Eostre, Easter, White god, chocolate eggs, Easter bunnies and metaphorical resurrection
  14. Revelation 1:8 – Who is Speaking?
  15. How did the Trinity Doctrine Develop
  16. History of the acceptance of a three-in-one God
  17. Altered to fit a Trinity
  18. It happened on May 2 295
  19. 1691 years ago on June the 20th in 325
  20. Necessity of a revelation of creation 2 Organisation of a system of things
  21. Framework and vehicle for Christian Scholasticism and loss of confidence
  22. How Did Jesus Become White? By Richard Stockton
  23. Problems correspondents have with the Trinity Doctrine


Further reading
  1. Three-headed gods
  2. Three Headed Hindu God Shiva :Tri Mukhi Hindu Lord Mahadev
  3. Lakshmi Maa
  4. Triglav – The Three Headed God
  5. Pokristjanjevanje alpskih Slovanov
  6. Is God comprised of three persons, or is He just one person?
  7. The Trinity: paganism or Christianity?
  8. The History of the Development of the Trinity Doctrine
  9. Trinity And Pagan Influence
  10. James White and John 1:1 Regarding “Was”
  11. John 1:1,2 – The Word was Mighty
  12. John 4:26 – EGO EIMI and Jesus’ Claim to be the Messiah
  13. Luke 1:35 and the Trinity
  14. The Real Reasons for Not Believing the Trinity
  15. The God of Jesus
  16. Questions for those who believe in the Trinity
  17. “If God Exists”
  18. Who Created God and What Existed Before Him
  19. The Trinity Logically Defended
  20. Christianity – Nature of God
  21. A Perfect Example of Acedia
  22. Edward Gibbon on religion in the Roman Empire
  23. The Lie of White Identity
  24. Njord God of… Fire?
  25. Henotheology!
  26. Twelfth Night & Wassail
  27. Christmas: a miracle of understanding
  28. Merry Christmas 2016
  29. Surah 16:71 – How Could The Creator Be Compared to created?
  30. How is that God? Objections and Responses to the Argument From Change
  31. Reblog: Many Gods


Related articles




2016 March 9 Beginning of Relating to God

On the 9th of March 2016 the Belgian Christadelphians presented the English pole against the Dutch triptych around God: 1. Op zoek naar God; 2. De Weg naar God; 3. God vinden.

Relating to God Weebly site Home page 20160309

With the Weebly site Relating to God we shall be able to see the difference of the amount of visitors opposite a WordPress site, and we shall have the opportunity to experience the differences with those sites of different providers.

The Belgian Christadelphians already present Broeders in Christus (or Brethren in Christ) and their ecclesia website on WordPress and are very satisfied of the WordPress facilities.

Relating to God Weebly site Blog page 20160309For blogging WordPress proofed to be far superior to all the other systems we have tried. Therefore we shall see how the Weebly system works out for the newly created site “Relating to God” and offer this Relating to God Blog as a an additional gather way.

With both platforms we do hope to be able to reach as many people as possible to bring the Good News of the Gospel which we have received from God’s son Jeshua, Jesus Christ, the Messiah.

As followers of Christ we want to fulfil the tasks he asked his disciples to take up. The preaching of the coming Kingdom of God is one of the essentials of being a Christian. Our aim is to have the Word of God known by more people and to get them in contact with Him to build up a good relationship with Him, the most High, His son and His children, the people of God and all other creatures.
