Looking for the perceptible or the latent or what needed for us

We should not be so caught up with the “things of this world” that we forget what really matters.

English: St. Augustine of Hippo
Churches bringing their own myths and doctrinal teachings – St. Augustine of Hippo (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

In this system of things most people love to follow their own desires and will look for teachers who will tell them whatever they want to hear. Most people will reject the truth and follow strange myths, because they look more interesting or intriguing than that what is plainly told in the Holy Scriptures (2 Timothy 4:3-5) . You who want to know more about life, your reason why being here, wanting to know What or Who is about your life, should keep a clear mind in every situation.

“You have made us for yourself, O Lord, and our hearts are restless until they rest in you.” So began St. Augustine of Hippo in his famous spiritual autobiography, Confessions.

If you are feeling this restless tug on your own soul, you’ve come to a good place.

With our writings we want to show you the Way to God by providing some honest, thoughtful writings on the search for truth and God and showing you biblical teachings concerning man’s position and God‘s place in the universe.

We would like to convince you that Christianity might be the best solution for you. It can satisfy both our hearts and our minds. Christianity is not only a comprehensive worldview, but reveals to us a God who lovingly meets both our existential needs and our longing for truth and salvation from all these troubles of the earth.

Though God can not be seen He is real and we do hope that these articles will be useful to you in your search to know God.

The problem with many people is that they created an illusionary God, making Him like they see any other man. They If we envisage God as a person clothed with epithets such as powerful, loving, just, fear-inspiring and omnipotent, creating a manmade image.

In his book, The Future of an Illusion, Sigmund Freud points out

“Religion comprises a system of wishful illusions together with a disavowal of reality.” In other words we have an innate tendency to invent the particular God that suits our needs. Ironically this is precisely what the second commandment fulminates against. A paradox lies at the heart of the doorstep caller’s question. The more you claim to know God and attempt to delineate his nature the less likely you are to have hit the bull’s eye.

We must be careful not to become trapped in the world’s imaginable ideas of godheads or should do everything to escape from this impasse by re-orienteering our thought forms.

Some may say

Faith is not the progressive unearthing of God’s nature but a recognition that he/she is fundamentally unknowable.

They forget that God Himself has given His Word to come to get to know Him. He provided all means to find truth and to find harmony and Him and to get to know more about Him, His intentions and His people.

Jan Van Ruysbroeck, the 14th century Augustinian and man of prayer, maintained that

“God is immeasurable and incomprehensible, unattainable and unfathomable”.

St John of the Cross, one of the pillars of western mysticism, put it even more succinctly:

“If a man wishes to be sure of the road he travels on, he must close his eyes and walk in the dark.”

for sure the world walks already many centuries in the dark and it is getting high time to come into the light. Light provided by the Majestic Majesty Himself. Many are rudderless in a sea of uncertainty. All the old props of a father God, prayer as colloquy with a personal deity and faith as a clear-cut assent to a set of credal formulations has been deconstructed and abandoned.

The school, with the statue of its Patron Sain...
The school, with the statue of its Patron Saint, St. Augustine of Hippo (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

We must know that man has created lots of dogma’s, teachings people would have to believe to be so but of which they had to know they must believe it to be true though it might be so unbelievable, because man could not comprehend it. Do know God did not make it so complicated. God is a God of love, order and tranquillity, who wants people to know Him.

We have to release us from the burden of kowtowing to the dictates of what people say what would be in a holy book. We should liberate us from the human dictations and consider more what is really written in the Book of books. By opening our eyes wanting to come to see what is really written in the Bible we shall be able to become  relieved of the intellectual difficulties of accepting the dogmatic assertions of an ecclesiastical hierarchy.

Listening to the Maker himself, letting the Words of God come to you, you shall come to see how chains may become unlocked. You shall notice how you too may be liberated and can follow your own spiritual path. Thomas Merton, the Trappist monk, spent a lifetime doing just this and found it uncovered an oasis of calmness and peace.

“Follow my ways and I will lead you to golden-haired suns, Logos and music, blameless joys, Innocent of questions and beyond answers: For I, Solitude, am thine own self: I, Nothingness, am thy All. I Silence, am thy Amen!”

Give it a whirl. It might just free you from the shackles of orthodoxy and kickstart your spiritual life.


Previous article: A Start for looking at the unseen and the treasure to look forward to


Additional reading

  1. Words in the world
  2. The Bible: God’s Word or pious myth?
  3. Of old and new ideas to sustain power and to feel good by loving to be connected and worship something
  4. Christianity without the Trinity
  5. Preparing for the Kingdom
  6. Creator and Blogger God 10 A Blog of a Book 4 Listening to the Blogger
  7. Not bounded by labels but liberated in Christ
